Thursday, 3 May 2012

Week 3: Electroliquid Aggregation

Student Example

“Why still speak of the real and the virtual, the material and immaterial? Here these categories are not in opposition, or in some metaphysical disagreement, but more in an electroliquid aggregation, enforcing each other, as in a two part adhesive.”
Lars Spuybroek, [1998] Motor Geometry, Architectural Design, Vol 68 No 5/6, p5

-Yes is more
-Modules/nature organic/additive

 My electroliquid aggregation statement:
"The complexities of yes is more is alleviated by modularising the concept"

-in more basic terms, the concept model 'yes is more' is broken down into modules and is thus in simpler form.

CONCEPT MODEL  'Yes is more' and 'Modules' amalgamated in Google Sketchup to produce the electroliquid aggregation monument.

The monument was further improved. The platform from the 'yes is more' monument was extended and joined to the modules monument to produce a significant meeting space.

This is the final model. A ramp and stairs was added for the obvious circulation of the building as well as a platform for the meeting space. The bottom platform of the 'yes is more' monuments on the right was extended in order to create it and join the two monuments. The 'yes is more' is clearly larger with more space however it has been simplified during the 'electroliquid aggregation modulation' process.  The meeting space was carefully thought out as a practical way to join the engineer, architecture and architectural computing students. I considered having the meeting space as landscape in the middle but came to the conclusion that it would be impractical as students would need a professional area with open space in order to discuss their thoughts.

The meeting space, connected to 'yes is more' and 'modules' is representative of a casual and professional space. 'Yes is more' having more open space would be the study area whereas 'modules' which has smaller open spaces and consisting of a ramp would allow the students to socialise and acts as a facility for recreational activities.

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